New Student Orientation
We want to welcome you to the 22-23SY virtual orientation! We look forward to getting to know you personally throughout the school year. TAs you engage in both the in-person and the virtual school space, we hope that you feel loved, challenged, and prepared to obtain your high school diploma!
The following are links to see what our school has to offer you! We hope that this FAQ-style orientation will support you in understanding the design of our school (All videos have the option to add closed captioning. Click on the CC icon in the lower right-hand corner, choose your preferred language, and play!)
What time does school start? Where do I find my schedule?
Live instruction begins daily at 9:00 am. Click here to see the full bell schedule for each daily live instructional block
Visit our school counseling page, where you will meet our STALLION COUNSELING TEAM!
If you haven’t scheduled a meeting with your college counselor to discuss your transcript, please send an email to them TODAY to schedule a “letter-of-understanding" meeting. Click here to access the staff list.
Technology Support
Are you in grades 9-12? This year at RSTAY, we want you to have access to all the tools you need to be successful. Do you need a device?
You can borrow one from us for FREE! Please email us at or call 202-576-8399 to make an appointment for technology pickup.
The “BIG 3” - Canvas, Microsoft 365, & Summit Learning Platforms
At Roosevelt STAY, we use three important applications: Canvas, Microsoft 365, and Summit. To log in to these applications please click here to be redirected to the virtual learning login page or here to be redirected to the student links page:
Password (Birthday): MMDDYY
Canvas ( The Canvas landing page includes direct links to the Microsoft 365 and Summit applications.
Microsoft 365 ( is the hub that holds important applications such as your student email inbox, access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and much more!
Microsoft 365 also houses Microsoft Teams, the app which allows you to join live instruction each day. You can download the Microsoft Teams app onto your computer, tablet, or phone by clicking here. If you’re already using a DCPS computer, just click the purple Microsoft Teams icon on your home screen!
Where are my assignments?
At RSTAY, we utilize a self-directed learning platform, Summit Learning:
Watch the two introductory videos below to learn more about self-directed learning and the Summit Learning application, which houses all your work.
What is Career and Technical Education (CTE)?
In addition to our Summit curriculum, which offers self-paced credit coursework toward your high school diploma, we also offer a robust Career & Technical Education (CTE) program! This program is FREE to DC residents ages 16+. CTE courses include Barbering, Cosmetology, Early Childhood Education, Mass Media, & Culinary Arts. Please contact Holden or the school's main office for more information today!
Check out the CTE webpage.
How do I find student events and announcements?
Check us out on:
Twitter: @RooseveltSTAY
IG at @RooseveltSTAYOA
Facebook: RooseveltSTAY
The RSTAY STUDENTS page on Microsoft Teams is our “virtual hallway”. Click in to see cool announcements, celebrate spirit weeks, and meet your other classmates.